
可持续发展与ESG(环境、社会和治理)一直以来都是社会与企业的关注重点,Benchmark Gensuite收集了最近与可持续发展/ESG披露有关的重要更新,期望能为企业的ESG管理提供有价值的资讯。一起来看看最近可持续发展与ESG的最新更新吧。

7th China EHS&S Summit 2023

Join our China team at this year’s 7th annual China EHS&S Summit.Come and network with EHS industry leaders while staying up to date on the latest developments in the EHS and ESG space.

National Safety Week Webinar: Enhancing Safety Culture with Digitalization

In Part 4 of our Comprehensive ESG Masterclass webinar series, we’ll look at the governance metrics material to your organization, how these are structured across frameworks including the BRSR, GRI, SASB, and more and how you can use digital tools to collect and report accurate and reliable governance data.

Benchmark | Gensuite Unified Solution Series – Part 3: ESG Director: Establishing an ESG Reporting Infrastructure

During this session, we were delighted to be joined by Mardi McBrien, Director of Strategic Affairs for the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, who discussed upcoming ISSB standards, including alignment with other global standards (e.g., GRI, CSRD), steps you can take to prepare for the mid-year release of the IFRS standards, and ISSB priorities beyond 2023.

Sustainability & ESG Executive Forum | Session VII

During this session, we were delighted to be joined by Mardi McBrien, Director of Strategic Affairs for the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, who discussed upcoming ISSB standards, including alignment with other global standards (e.g., GRI, CSRD), steps you can take to prepare for the mid-year release of the IFRS standards, and ISSB priorities beyond 2023.